This is a peek into Malon's Journal entry where he wrote about his wish of having a 14 story building as being a place where kids like him could come to hang out.
He was only 10 years old when he wrote about his wish. As you can see, he went into detail describing each floor how he envisioned it to be.
Little did we know, that 7 years later, his life would be suddenly taken away. Unfortunately he's not alive to fulfil his goals and dreams of helping kids like him come to his building.
This is the purpose driving Malon's Project Inc. we are striving to make his wish a reality by helping teens with ADHD to have a safe place to come and hang out. It may not be a 14 story building but as our program grows and develop we can easily see 14 various programs meeting the needs identified in his journal.
Our very first program is our EmpowerMind Creative Writing, offering teens the opportunity to write in a journal just like Malon did, their goals, dreams and wishes.
We teach them the 8 Positive Attributes. (Honesty, Humility, Gratitude, Open-Mindedness, Compassion, Responsibility, Objectivity and Willingness).
From there, we teach the 5 roles of Rational Thinking, 1. Does this decision align affect my health, freedom or life? 2. Does this decision align with the 8 Positive Attributes? 3. Does this decision help me accomplish my short and long term goals? 4. Does this decision keep me out of conflict with others? 5. Does this decision help me feel the way I want to feel?
As you can see, Malon's Project, Inc. have a lot more "floors/programs" to build.
If you have are reading to this point and feel compelled to help us, we ask that you complete a Volunteer form and let's get to work making Malon's Dream a Reality.
We need Volunteers in every capacity of our organization. We need instructors, grant writers, contract negotiators, mentors, administrative assistants, facilitators, professionals and community partners. You fall in here somewhere.
If what you can contribute is not listed above, we definitely need you.
Thanks in advance.