Malons Project Mascot Sponsorship Proposal Outline

Sponsorship Tiers & Benefits

Platinum Sponsor ($2,500+)


⦁Logo Placement on Mascot’s Handler’s Uniform: Premier placement of sponsor’s logo on the mascot’s handler’s uniform, ensuring visibility at all events. Logo featured on promotional items such as tee shirts, hats, tote bags, etc.

⦁Website and Social Media Recognition: Featured as a Platinum Sponsor on the Malons Project website and social media platforms, including monthly shout-outs. 

⦁Event Promotion: Recognition in all event materials, including banners, flyers, and brochures.

⦁Media Exposure: Mention in press releases and media announcements for Malons Project events.

⦁Speaking Opportunities: Opportunity to speak at key Malons Project events and address attendees.

⦁Special Recognition Plaque: Receive a personalized plaque as a token of appreciation for supporting the mascot program.

⦁VIP Access: Two VIP passes to all events hosted by Malons Project, including private meet-and-greet with students and families.

⦁Exclusive Sponsorship Website Blog: Feature article in Malons Project’s quarterly blog.

Gold Sponsor ($1,000 - $2,499)


⦁Logo Placement on Marketing Materials: Gold Sponsor logo displayed on event flyers, social media posts, and banners. Logo featured on promotional items such as tee shirts, hats, tote bags, etc.

⦁Website and Social Media Recognition Featured as a Gold Sponsor on the Malons Project website and social media platforms, including monthly shout-outs. 

⦁Event Promotion: Recognition during events through verbal announcements and signage.

⦁Special Recognition Plaque: Receive a personalized plaque as a token of appreciation for supporting the mascot program.

Silver Sponsor ($500 - $999)


⦁Logo Placement on Promotional Items: Logo featured on smaller promotional items such as tote bags, stickers, or lanyards.

⦁Website Recognition: Featured as a Silver Sponsor on the Malons Project website.

⦁Social Media Shout-Out: Mentioned as a sponsor in pre-event social media posts.

⦁Event Acknowledgement: Verbal acknowledgment during selected events.

Bronze Sponsor ($250 - $499)


⦁Name Mention on Event Materials: Mentioned in event programs and flyers as a Bronze Sponsor.

⦁Social Media Thank You: Dedicated social media post thanking Bronze Sponsors.

⦁Website Listing: Featured as a Bronze Sponsor on the Malons Project website.

Want to Become a Sponsor?

Become a sponsor today by contacting Wanda A. Williams, Director of Sales, at [email protected] or 757-975-6852.